"Bearded Iris"
30x30" oil on heavyweight canvas
Here's another really big flower and again referenced from a purchased stock photo, which is something I'd rather not do, however it was such an incredible shot to work from, I couldn't resist. Next summer I plan to set up and shoot my own flower reference incorporating this mysterious blackness from which the flower emerges with some of it still in shadow. I think it adds such a dramatic feeling to the painting.
I'm busy trying to finish that portrait I've been stuck on for over a year. I was either very arrogant or completely naive in thinking I could dive right in and be satisfied with the results, however, either way the experience is opening up my mind to the possibility of new techniques and approaches to my work.
Still have trouble grasping the concept that consistent studio time equals somewhat consistent improvement. I've always favored learning through osmosis. I have quite the collection of how-to books, magazines and DVDs and still maintain that having them in my possession is all that's needed for me to gain the knowledge they contain. The fact that that hasn't happened yet has not dulled my expectations that someday it will.
Tim's been rather quiet, however I suspect it's because my mind is all over the place. As one might expect this time of year increases and exacerbates grief bubbles which have been popping up rather frequently. But there again, it's a choice. It feels so much better to be grateful for how fortunate we both are to have found each other and for every moment we shared in the physical world.
So, top of my list this Thanksgiving is Timothy Berry! Surprise! And the boys, the roof over our heads, food on our table, transportation, caring friends and relatives, the ability to create and the hope that someday we will all finally learn to live in peace.
I wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving, good times with friends and family and I thank you again and again for all of your loving support.