6 X 6" Oil on museum wrapped linen Please contact me thru www.suzanneberry.com for purchase info
Wow! Finally! A daily! Posted! Out of focus, but it's the best I could do. The digital is having an identity crisis of some sort, so I only got one, out of focus shot, but it will have to do because if I don't post today I feel as though I'll disappear. A little melodramatic to be sure, but with the studio the way I've always wanted it, I have to feel as though it was worth it.
I had a wonderful time in my new place to paint today. I'm so happy with it. I'm also happy with this painting! And, I decided to dispense with the signature debate and just put my initials in wet paint. I've been agonizing over how to sign my work since I started dailies and haven't signed one until tonight. I feel so grown up!
Finally! I can't believe it! I feel like a real professional! I have a real studio! I had a real one before, but it looked more like a storage room held prisoner by dust bunnies the size of tumbleweeds with an easel in it. Before the room shrieked! Now it hums. It's amazing what bringing order to chaos does for the psyche.
I refused to open any paint up until I bought one of those carpet protectors that you can slide your chair around on. Put art on the wall, put everything in its place and it's time to get down to business. Far too late to start a daily today, but I'm definitely ready for tomorrow.
This is one of my first figure portraits done about a few years back, when I was working with my version of artistic training wheels—water mixable oils. Don't ask. Anyway, I'll be up early and ready to report to work in my brand, spanking new, orderly studio that hums. There will finally be a daily posted tomorrow. Whew!
Well, it's Tuesday and I'm almost done! Easily discouraged by something as mundane as the sun scampering behind a dark cloud, I am rather proud that my only emotional melt-down came when I was informed by himself, yesterday, that putting up crown molding is not as easy as I had hoped. So that meant buying painter's tape—called Frog Tape, much to my great joy and amusement—and repainting that creepy, pain-in-the-butt and neck area where the ceiling meets the walls. I had a field day not being exact as molding was going to solve that problem, but it was not to be. I could have left it until we do the molding this weekend, but after all this work, to look up from my easel and see ice blue splotches on deep magenta walls would have caused much tension and angst, defeating the initial purpose of attaining and keeping that peaceful easy feeling while working.
And, yes, I did say deep magenta walls. It's a long story, but, it looks great, really! Take ice blue, magenta and add a soft, warm pale gold and it really works well. Himself came up with the pale gold idea and it brought everything together perfectly. Ah, married bliss and some bickering, we were after all painting in mid-summer heat. And also, yes, it has dawned on me that I should look into getting air-conditioning in here.
So, finish up and move everything back in after I've gone through and thrown out all the stuff I don't need. I will be able to report to work tomorrow morn, worked out, showered, dressed and ready for action! That's another part of my plan as I've found that stumbling downstairs in my pj's and working feels nasty. I can restart my daily painting in earnest and in oil and I am very happy about that.
Of course, the idiot voice hasn't been dormant either. Now of course this renovation isn't deserving of my skills or work ethic so I should be humble and frightened and perhaps offer a sacrifice of some sort to the gods and or muse for my arrogance and pride. Really? Bite me! I am as Mr. Pressfield tells me in The War of Art—a professional—and sacrifices are not required by professionals. Although respect to the muse is suggested. Hope she's not offended.
I actually had to unplug the computer so posting previous work as promised wasn't possible. These guys were a commission from earlier this year. Back to work. I'm so excited!
I admit it. It's impossible to paint the walls, ceiling and redo the floor and continue to paint a daily at the same time. I tried. The cherry tomatoes on board wasn't working at all, neither was the lone apple, which I thought would go quickly. The linen board will be a challenge, but I will conquer them as well. Each bump in the road is just something I need to pick up my pretty little petticoat and step right over.
I will hopefully be up and running again on Tuesday, July 29th. I've been taking zillions of shots for reference, some I'm really thrilled with, so I am tres excited about getting back to work in my newly renovated studio, with everything in its' place and a place for everything. Right now it's total chaos and it's playing havoc with my creativity. My muse refused, unconditionally, to even enter the studio this morning. Touchy!
In the meantime, this little guy's name is Pete. He was a Christmas commission 2 years ago. I'll be posting previously done paintings until I return. Chat soon!
I tried my first painting on a board today. Or a piece of wood or a plank. Whatever, it's got linen glued to the top so one can paint on it. Not a successful studio day at all. It'll be a while before I get the feel of this stuff. It definitely needs to dry each time a coat is applied. It's basically see-through for at least the first two. The sun came out after a cooling shower so I was able to let it dry for a few hours, but it will need more than two coats to cover my drawing lines.
Chaotic around here. I'm in the process of finally getting organized in the storage room next door to the studio and the studio itself. Long overdue for a face lift in here. I'm such a moody critter, it would definitely help me if I were thrilled by and with my surroundings. Not even close yet, but soon.
I'm going to do a daily no matter what. This one isn't finished as explained above. Not at all happy with this painting surface, but I'll have to give it at least 12 more chances as I spontaneously combusted last week and ordered extra before I even tried them! Arrrrgh! Oh well, be present, feel the disappointment and let it pass, I am, after all a professional. We'll see!
5 x 7" Oil on museum wrapped canvas Please contact me thru www.suzanneberry.com for purchase info
I kept my promise to myself and it feels very good. This is a somewhat quick study of one of the hubs' main implements of construction in the kitchen. The ever-present, mighty EVOO bottle, or better known to us civilians as—the extra virgin olive oil bottle. Great looking bottle. Very "new" old world, no?
I want to get into the habit of quick and really quick oil studies. I think it might spirit me away from the pinpoint study of a highlight to loosely splashing in the paint and thereby achieve the look and feel of spontaneity.
I felt the fear of failure again and embraced it with an open mind. It's like that one relative we all seem to have in our families. The one who knows everything and can't possibly be told anything new. If I were so confident that each piece will end up being perfect, what's the point of sitting down? Where's the excitement? The challenge? Oh my! Was that another growth spurt?
6 x 6" Oil on museum wrapped linen Please contact me thru www.suzanneberry.com for purchase info
Glad to be back in front of the canvas! These eggs 'n taters is done! I have to restrain myself, I want to go and break a dozen eggs open on the surface of the black cook top and take a zillion shots of them with empty shells strew about. I am so hooked painting embryos!
Had a bumpy daily week due to free lance, only did two paintings. I'm committing to one on Saturday and Sunday. I think I'll try quick oil studies and see how that works out. Don't want to get too detail oriented. Have I mentioned lately how much I love to paint? Enjoy the weekend.
6 x 6" Oil on museum wrapped linen Still in progress
Finished up the graphic design job today and got right back to work. It's such an incredible experience working on linen, I couldn't wait to return. Who just said that?
Working almost every day, well, as much as possible, has really had quite the impact on my psyche. Of course this is all ego based, but hey, I have one, so when I feel empty because I haven't done a daily, it's because I have nothing to post and play with and write about and be upset or pleased with. Partly. There's also beginning to be a deep longing for the act of creating! Ok, who just said that?
I'm finding that, like any friendship, any real friendship, the one I'm forming with painting has to be nurtured, cared for and tended to. If I treat the process with respect and kindness the process will return the favor. Around our house, we almost always are polite to each other, saying thank you and please, taking time to appreciating one another. Sounds all gooey and trite, but how else would you treat your best friend? Also does wonders for the 16-year union.
I want to make friends with painting. I spend up to seven hours a day with it, wouldn't it be nice to be grateful instead of whining all the time? As long as I don't personally take credit for what happens, I can sit back and appreciate and enjoy what comes through. This is going to be hard for me because I dearly love whining, but I'm going to foster a shift in my outlook, starting right now. Yeah, I know...we'll see.
Really pressed for time today, I had a real growth spurt! Downright depressed doing graphic design, couldn't wait to get back to my easel. I'm besotted with the linen surface and the eggs! I see a lot of eggs in my immediate future.
This is,again, is in the process of, because it needs some bright work. I'm really enjoying myself. Steven Pressfield, author of The War of Art, you are the dude! Thank you!
Alas, I am still under siege. It seems I will have to bail the dailies, but for other work, not sagging confidence. When it rains I guess, and I'm really very grateful.
I had planned to do quick morning hour dailies all week and renovate my studio in the afternoons. It's a mess: half-painted, stained carpet, the dogs ate the door woodwork a few years ago. It's really beginning to have an impact on my outlook and we must keep that moving in a positive manner, now mustn't we?
But, two commissions, due very soon, along with some nice graphic design work have happily appeared, so my plans must change. I will hopefully be able to post a daily tomorrow or even get started on it this after, if design work moves along smoothly.
My daily reading of The War of Art continues to inspire me. I actually walked into the studio this morning and exclaimed, for the very first time in my rather lengthy existence—I love my job! I love my studio! And it's not even renovated yet!
6 X 6" Oil on museum wrapped linen Please contact me thru www.suzanneberry.com for purchase info
Well, I'm still not done, but a 3-day daily really ain't a daily now is it? Plus, I had to administer salts to himself—a lover of the visible brush stroke and under painting—when he saw how far I took the bright work. He was happy with the first day and would have considered it finished. I agree, but hey, an egg, on linen with all those highlights? Who can resist?
I've always dreamed of doing a painting like this, but never thought I would. I sat down to work today after I'd read a bit of The War of Art and when I came to the part where I get lazy and start phoning it in, I didn't because of what I read. I always wondered why, sometimes, I would do really well, until it came time to finish up, then I'd procrastinate, get distracted and the end product wouldn't look anything like I thought it would. This is an amazing little book!
Now I know why so many artists paint cracked eggs. It's fun. The rich goldenrod yellow yolk with maroon undertones. The light hitting the googly puddle surrounding it, the jagged little edge of the split paper thin shell. Sometimes it takes very little to please me.
I'm amazed by this book. Funny how things just appear when you need them. Well, it didn't really just appear, I had to look it up and order it, but to find the one that resonates right outta the gate? Karma. A pure gift from the muse! I deserve it, she's been MIA quite a lot lately.
I am on page 109 in The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. It's obvious this book will become dog eared and beat up in no time. Maybe I'll get it as an audiobook and listen while I work! It'll be like mainlining support and inspiration. This book is definitely the kick in the kiester I needed, at least for now. I'm quite familiar with the buzz I get when I discover something that resonates. Recall my rather short-lived, daily painting honeymoon. Oh my, look at that, resistance letting me know it's there, isn't that sweet.
My fear and self-doubt were front and center, well represented by the ever-present idiot voice this morning. I welcomed them, smiled and got down to business. I have a commission to work on so, I'm finishing up the egg and shell in the morning and working on the commission in the afternoon. I'm not bailing, but just slowing down until I get my other work done. Since I have the opportunity, I'm taking my time with this one, I'm rather happy with the way it's working out. Was that just the tiniest bit of self-confidence just then? Oh my.
I'm committing to a minimum of two dailies next week. Hear that, resistance, you beast!
6 x6" Oil on museum wrap linen Please contact me thru www.suzanneberry.com for purchase info
I feel as if a small car has been lifted from my shoulders! I'm 20 pages in to "The War of Art" and I'm so optimistic! I thought I was a freak. I have skills, what's the big deal. Just work! But now I discover that self-doubt and fear are our friends! They are present to help me work— not prevent it! I'm waiting for the day when I have no fear and a desire to paint that is so compelling I can't resist tumbling out of bed at the crack of dawn. Now I'm sure that is never going to happen. I'm feeling exactly what artists are supposed to feel. Who knew?
I think it helped my work enormously today. I felt all the doubts, all the fear and did my work. This is my third daily on linen. I love the feel of this stuff and so does the paint. It seems to dive into the surface of the canvas and spread itself! I've never done cracked open eggs before. It's amazing. So much going on. I've discovered that a cracked eggshell is like a snowflake in that, no matter what, the crack line is just naturally perfect and interesting. Also, we have one of those radiant cook tops with a black surface. Perfect for reflection shots!
Obviously I'm not done yet, but again, the point is to work not rush through just to finish. And I think this one might benefit from some drying time so I can do the bright work and take some time to finish correctly. I'm feeling so much better. I really thought that if I didn't have the passion and concentration of John Singer Sargent—I shouldn't call myself an artist! Again, it's what works for the individual. Fear and doubt apparently work for me.
5 X 7" Oil on canvas Please contact me thru www.suzanneberry.com for purchase info
The hand and form continue their dalliance, much to the chagrin of the pitcher. I think I'm going to let them both go as subjects, however. The hand has become very arrogant and quite frankly difficult to paint in one day, ditto the form, although she hasn't let the all the fuss go to her head like he has. Alas, this painting is far from finished but life intrudes.
I'm still dealing with creative confidence issues. Who knows? Human beans are nuts. I mean, take a quick look at the world. Why spend time vexed because you think you're not good enough? Keep painting! Ignore the voice, remember? We'll see. I'm not stopping.
I've started a new book, The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. Subtitled "Break through the blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles," it sounds like just what I need. We also watched Gallery HD on the box last night. Amazing channel! Art everywhere. Saw a special on an incredible Chinese artist with an actual vision! Now there's a concept. Also watched a painting class with 4 people being instructed in a life pose in the style of Renoir. I didn't know that Renoir had rheumatoid arthritis, or that his assistants had to bind the brushes to his hand and roll him to his easel. I'm sitting here, relatively healthy, whining about insecurity. How sad.
6 x 6" Oil on canvas Please contact me thru www.suzanneberry.com for purchase info
Oops! A mini vay-cay up and whisked me away from my easel! I had no say in it whatsoever. Himself declared a "daily-free" zone and I happily complied. Yes, the "daily painting" honeymoon is definitely over! I had a complete melt-down with this painting. Looking at it, it looks fine, but I was convinced I had no talent, was a hack and was fooling myself if I thought I could do this! The voice is back! Actually, let's be honest, it never left. It was most likely stunned into silence by my sudden and unexplainable outpouring of work.
In the beginning, when I resolved that I would not bail the dailies, I had no idea how powerful, or better yet, how much power I had given the voice to do just that for me, while poor little innocent me stood by fretful and angst-ridden about how I had been denied, once again, the promise of finally reaching a goal I'd set for myself. Or so it thought.
I'm back and I'm stayin'! I obviously can't turn off the silly thing so I'll listen, but I won't take it seriously. I've supported myself with art all of my life, so obviously the voice, or hence forth—the idiot voice—is wrong! I've written a list of facts that support the notion that I can do this. Each the time the idiot speaks up, I've got some back chat for it.
I had a great therapist—back when it was a status symbol, not a necessity— and she had a great "voice" story. While driving home from the office, listening to music and daydreaming, she missed her exit on the parkway. The voice had a field day. A few expletives later it declared, "You're so stupid you don't even know your own exit!", to which she questioned, "Really, well, if you're so smart, why didn't you tell me it was coming?" This is where the voice gets off. I'm doing this.
Got a late start today. It's been a very June Cleaver kinda day. The oven. Laundry. Enough said.
Anyway, the hubs took some reference shots for me a few weeks back and I found this one while looking them over. I thought the hand and toy form needed some time to work things out with the pitcher so it's a traditional daily day, in keeping with the June Cleaver thing, rubber gloves, apron etc. I thought of rushing through and not cleaning up until himself gets home but posting isn't the point, creating is. So tomorrow I'm thinkin' minimalist vibe and finish this one up.
5 X 7" Oil on canvas Please contact me thru www.suzanneberry.com for purchase info.
Well, it seems the hand is a bit of cad. The pitcher is inconsolable, as you might imagine. The toy figure form showed up for fashion snaps and it was curtains for the rather round and dowdy pitcher. We're in discussions regarding a healthier diet and some exercise.
There's this company that makes tiny replicas of shoes from every era imaginable. I can't recall the name right now, but I just loved them and collected them for a while back in the day. This form was a "buy that now, get this free" kind of deal. I think because of my fashion illustration background from FIT, I've never gotten over a deep love for the human form. This form says so much with only a portion of the body is represented. There's the weight of the body on a phantom foot, the swing of her shoulders and arms that aren't there and an attitude only possible when one is wearing a girdle and bra from the Fifties.
5 X 7" Oil on canvas Please contact me through www.suzanneberry.com for purchase info
I'm hoping this uploads. I had trouble last night and was so frustrated. This is yesterday's (Monday, June 30th) daily.
Well, it's obvious that the pitcher and the wooden hand cannot seem to keep away from each other. They cavorted on the table top like playful kittens while I feverishly snapped away, gently prodding them on for that perfect shot. This isn't it, but I liked it.
While I was working on today's daily, trying to remain "in the moment," I thought a lot about why I actually am painting each day, which by definition means, I was not in the moment. I guess it's a process. I'll have another opportunity tomorrow.
I spent 3 days on the larger Stones piece this weekend. I had great fun, but felt a little like I'd jumped from the kiddie pool straight into the ocean. Glad to be back to small canvasses today. The hubs was very wise this weekend. Hearing me whining that I'd never finish the larger piece, he mused..."why not treat each stone as a daily so you won't feel overwhelmed?" How cool is he?