30" x 30" (76.2cm x 76.2cm)
oil on canvas
$1,200 plus $25.95 shipping and handling in the US
E-mail me for International shipping rates or other inquiries.
There's a name for these ribbons and I cannot, for the life of me, remember what it is! I know when it comes to me I'll be shocked that I didn't remember it. I've been searching my saved receipts but to no avail. Oh well.
Anyway, this is the art club painting for August. The word was, well in this case, the words were: August Steinbuhler, the man responsible for creating ribbon. Don't ask. Our meeting leader has told us that all will be explained at the end of our meetings for the year and that all the word(s) we've been given are connected and will make perfect sense. I'm really looking forward to finding out just what that connection is. It's funny too because a lot of the attendees didn't really feel Augie or his ribbon, but it was an interesting meeting nevertheless. So, in the meantime, as with most of the words we were given, I went straight for the obvious - a representational painting of the subject. More about that later.
So, there I was, faced with a valid reason to buy something. With the new beginning, I'm discovering that I don't need more storage, I just need less crap. Still, I wasted no time, hopped online and searched until I found 3 yard strips of the widest, most reflective ribbon I could find. I was thrilled when they arrived and took lots of shots from above in as many different configurations as I could arrange. I had a great time with the color, the contrast and reflections. Maybe this time a real series is brewing.
As far as going for the obvious, we had a productive chat about conceptual vs. representational art at the meeting. I came to the conclusion that I am and will probably always be a representational artist with not much in the way of conceptual thinking and that's just fine. As Tim pointed out, no one is complaining, just paint what you want to. It seems the only one with the problem about what I paint is me.
That said, I've been thinking, a lot, and some concepts have actually materialized! Now that I've relaxed and accepted my "limits," I'm realizing the deal is that concepts, if they are to be meaningful, must come from a pure place or they won't be meaningful...to me or to anyone looking at them. Oh my! Growth spurt!
The cleaning continues. Another 15 huge shopping bags of stuff got picked up on Tuesday. I'm still overwhelmed and sink into depression when I begin to sort the stuff, but I have to push through, face my demons and get it all done. I'm feeling so much better and have been very inspired by my progress.
And again, I cannot thank you enough for your wonderful, generous and supportive comments. They help more than you can ever know.