Monday, June 13, 2011


Clearly mom and dad might have overdone the "be polite" thing, as the last few months of my individual "thank you" emails might have illustrated.

I've been spending more time thanking folks for comments than I have been painting. And since my appreciation is beginning to border on obsessive, I think it might be a good idea to do what everyone else seems to be doing... thank everyone directly on my blog and spend more time visiting the sites of those who left comments. Um...duh!

Like I've been sayin', nothing gets past me!


  1. I was just about to say "thank you so much" or "...isn't that exquisite." or something like that.

  2. I know what you mean. I've been spending way too much time on this computer and way too little time at the easel. This week I made a change and am forcing myself to zip past a lot of stuff that comes up for me to read or ponder - too much information coming our way these days! It has also been depressing me a lot, and this feeling helpless to fix the world's problems isn't helping the world OR me! Gear up to be back at the easel more, take delight in the events of each day, whether big or small, and maybe reconsider being so darn "polite":-)

  3. LOL. You do write very sweet thank you notes, Suzanne. (: People have such different approaches to the comment thing!!

  4. Good idea, Suzanne, though we will all miss the personal touch. I think we all spend too much time at the "puter, anyway!

  5. You crack me up you big sweetheart you. :)

  6. No thanks is necessary . Than you for sharing your beautiful art with us. With the world.

  7. Thank you everyone for understanding!


Your visits to my blog and the comments you leave here are an integral part of my creative process. They are helpful, supportive and well, let's face it, they feel really good! If I don't thank you personally, please allow me to thank you in advance for taking the time to stop by and leave your thoughts, they mean so much!