Tuesday, September 15, 2009

SEPTEMBER CHALLENGE: Kitchen Pantry or Cabinet

Busy is good. Stress is bad. How to separate the two is the question. Finished my first challenge painting and will be posting the group collection today. I seem to sweat the minutia. So busy trying to fit in and do everything right, I miss the obvious. Oh well. No biggie.

There was a bit of a struggle looking around for an answer to the challenge. Running about the house, peering into cabinets and drawers, it did dawn on me that they need to be tidied but a concept wasn't forthcoming. Then in the studio, I noticed my paint which is stored in ball jars and thought canning. Whew! Of course not many folks store their paint in jars so a bit might have been lost in translation, but still, I did it!
And thank you Vicki for your kind comment on your blog!

The Artist's Pantry
oil on canvas, 5x7" $100

Coffee Corner
7x12" oil on board by Michael Naples

The Red Napkin 16x20" oil on canvas by Marie Fox

Yo-ho-ho and a Bottle of Rum 6x8" oil on panel ©2009 Diana Moses Botkin

Steel Cut Oats 12x12" oil on canvas by Silvina Day

Coming Out of the Cabinet
9x12" oil on board ©2009 Vicki Ross

Staples 8x16" oil on panel ©2009 Robin Cheers


  1. Suzanne that's great! I think it is beautiful and a perfect solution to the challenge. Fun!

  2. I love your comment about looking through cabinets and noticing that things needed straightening up. Boy that was my first thought when Robin came up with our September Challenge subject of pantry shelves! I thought, "whoa.. which cabinet or pantry shelf would I willingly show to strangers out in cyberspace?!"

    All the September Challenge paintings are SO fun! Thanks for joining us!

  3. Very cool choice! Love the light reflections in the glass and the calming green.

  4. So fun to see these challenge paintings! Love the colours in yours. I have something on my blog for you...
    Take care,

  5. Wow! What a great group of paintings. I enjoyed absorbing each one of them. Thanks for sharing the whole group of them. I'd say each of you conquered the challenge.

  6. What a fun concept for a challenge! Such a treat to be able to peak into people's worlds.

  7. These are really all wonderful concepts. Thanks for posting.

  8. Hi Suzanne,
    Thanks so much... I enjoy your blog too and just wanted to let you know that! Don't worry about doing anything more with this award... I just wanted to acknowledge you! Take care,

  9. Hi Suzanne,

    I love your painting. Just gorgeous. Your drawings are exceptional, and I love your design too.

    Take care,


  10. .., this is an interesting post for mothers who are so pond of pond of decorating their kitchen... this is indeed a good idea.. thank you...
    Pantry Rack


Your visits to my blog and the comments you leave here are an integral part of my creative process. They are helpful, supportive and well, let's face it, they feel really good! If I don't thank you personally, please allow me to thank you in advance for taking the time to stop by and leave your thoughts, they mean so much!