Monday, February 15, 2010


oil on canvas

I cannot believe it's Feb...blah...blah...blah..and time for another challenge! I'm trying not to begin with the same old reflection each month, but the second my fingertips hit the keyboard, I hear it in my head. And yes, I do have to say something to the effect of.."can you believe how quickly time flies." Sorry, I can't seem to help myself.

Anyway, here we are with another challenge. I had a lot of fun with this one. I went online, and ordered the most outrageously colored striped socks I could find, the day Diana Moses Botkin announced the theme. I thought about concepts, tried them on and shot my tootsies, with and without my Frankenstein flip-flops, hung them off the chair, threw them in the air and subsequently tied them around a roll of paper towels. Then I thought that nothing would show them off better than a plain white background, much like the bugs. So I shot them on the copy board (found a use for that, thank goodness) and planned to include a shadow, giving the viewer the feeling they could be plucked off the canvas. However, as the painting continued, I thought better of the shadow, and the socks began to appear as if they'd been thrown up in the air and caught mid-flight. Ooo, I feel a series coming. They're so much fun to paint, angst-free in fact.

I really loved what everyone did. I know I always say that, but I mean it. The unique way each artist approached the socks is so intriguing to me. I'm still searching for my artistic identity and I feel each artist in the group has found theirs. Enjoy.

24" x 24" (61.0cm x 61.0cm)
oil on canvas
$500 plus $15.95 shipping and handling in the US
E-mail me for International shipping rates or other inquiries.

 “Two Step”
5”x7” Oil on hardboard
©2010 Diana Moses Botkin

Pink Glow
10x10" oil on panel
© 2010 Robin Cheers

“Socks First”
Oil on canvas, 24” x 18”
Marie Fox

cozy knits
©Jeanne Illenye 

“Sock Puppets” 
Oil on Board, 8”x8”
©2010 Michael Naples

“Liam in Striped Footies”
©2010 Vicki Ross
12x18 oil on panel


  1. I did think immediately that "No fair, I want to paint those!!!!" I also immediately thought that I could pluck them off the canvas and that they were in the air. So you accomplished it all. Fun, happy, technically wonderful and great composition. I won't say anymore!

  2. Suz... You take my breath away! -Don

  3. I love them all too and I SO identify with the excitement and experimentation you described (and the thoughts about time slipping away).

    And...YES I hope we do some more! Striped Sock Series has a nice ring to it.

  4. Suzanne, you never fail to amuse and amaze! Very fun, well done!!

  5. Perfect! Those crazy stripes look fantastic on the solid white background. Contemporary and bold!

  6. Hi Suzanne,

    It really is fun to see what everyone comes up with. I love the bright, bold colour in your painting... those socks seem utterly joyous! I had to look close again to see it wasn't a photo! Great job... to you and to all the other artists in this challenge.

  7. Mary Ann, Wow, thank you! I know what you mean. There have been times I've had an idea in my head only to see it done by another artist. That's what I love about the challenge, it gets me to thinking about subject matter I wouldn't ordinarily think of. Thank you for your wonderful comments, they mean a lot.

    Don, you are incredibly nice to say that. It means a lot coming from you.

    Diana, thank you so much! I absolutely love your answer to the challenge. It's stunning.

    R Garriott, thank you so much! I really appreciate your comment.

    Gwen, thank you so much!

    Nicki, thank you so much. I really enjoyed doing them and am looking forward to doing more. I'm so thrilled that you like them.

  8. Awesome painting, Suzanne. I can totally envision you doing a great flying-socks series. Glad it was angst-free, too.
    Thanks again for your warm words around my cat's death. I'm happy your pup is doing well.

  9. Suzanne, your socks are absolutely sensational!! Go for a series, yes!

  10. Love the socks!! Makes me want to order some. I can't wait to see the series!!

  11. Truely amazing. I don't know if you really did do all that procrastination Suzanne but the final choice could not have been more perfect. Great job.

  12. Colorful, whimsical, and fun!!

    I love these, Suzanne!



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