Wednesday, July 7, 2010


5" x 7" (12.7cm x 17.8cm)
oil on canvas

This was my very first daily painting posted on May 1, 2008. It sure feels as though I've been doing this more than two years! I find myself in one of those nebulous mood swings where everything I do looks like poop, so instead of diving into depression, I'm quietly stepping back and waiting till it passes...again.

I just felt like posting, thought it might ignite the creative embers. Maybe its the heat. Hope everyone had a great Fourth.


  1. Sorry to hear you're having a downer, Suzanne. I hope the spark comes back soon enough. I often find turning to drawing instead of painting helps when my oils aren't doing as I wish. Getting back to the simple things can be meditative, regenerative and sometimes really help with painting once you start again. Good luck!

  2. I hate mood swings! I think in your case now it is quite possibly the heat. Take a little break and return fresh. In the meantime find those artists that are an inspiration and enjoy their work. Hopefully, this won't last long. And because it is all about me - get back to your easel and post some great art!

  3. This is a lovely still life, beautifully rendered. Take it easy and enjoy some relaxing days and vegetate for a while and then you will soon be full of new energy and ideas, you are much to hard on yourself, be nice to Suzanne.

  4. Love the colors! These look good enough to eat.

  5. Beautiful... Just right for the summer season!

  6. Just a quick hello and to say I hope you are feeling better. :-)

  7. Maybe it is the heat. I'm in the same place. No motivation, no muses, no desire. Still, Suzanne, I doubt that anything you do looks like poop. Me, yes. You? Never! And these are gorgeous peppers; so crisp and so full of color. I want a salad!

  8. Who knew peppers could be so stunning??? These vibrant colours set on the stark black and white background are, well, glorious!

    Don't dip into a depression... the mood will pass. Just chill, enjoy your man and pups and read a good book... may I suggest "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyer. Hee hee! I'm almost 42 and I think I loved it as much as all the teens out there! It will definitely distract you from your moods!

  9. A little Robert Plant could help right about now... "I'm in the mood for a melody. I'm in the mood for a melody. I'm in the moooo-ooood..."

    I love these peppers. I remember checking them out almost two years ago when I discovered your work via artscuttlebutt. It IS hard to believe two years has passed already!


  10. This is stunning Suzanne, the brushtrokes and colour are fantastic.

  11. This is s slam DUNK!
    It has everything. Fabulous colors and the way the green peppers curl into the picture plane. Beautiful!

  12. I have been woefully behind in thanking you all for your incredibly kind and generous comments and for stopping by to view my posts and work. I must admit reading your comments supports me in ways I'm sure I can't even define. I know how important it is to hear from other artists and I try to visit everyone's blog as often as I possibly can, not only to return your kindness but for seemingly endless inspiration from all or your work and words. Thank you a million times over. Thank you.

  13. A blast from the past, Suzanne!

    I think you're being very wise here. When one is depressed it's very easy to shut down and do absolutely nothing.

    You picked yourself up enough to share a blogpost with us instead.

    Thank you for that!



Your visits to my blog and the comments you leave here are an integral part of my creative process. They are helpful, supportive and well, let's face it, they feel really good! If I don't thank you personally, please allow me to thank you in advance for taking the time to stop by and leave your thoughts, they mean so much!