Sunday, October 26, 2008


6 x 6"
Oil on linen

This is the second in a series of the branches from the rhodadenren bush outside my studio window. These are more fun than I've ever had painting. Took me back to that great feeling of warmth and safety I'd inevitably feel whenever I'd take out my brand spanking new, 3-tiered box of crayola crayons, run my hand over the rough, nubbley, newsprint surface of my coloring book and settle down on my bedroom floor to stay within the lines for hours. Such a simple time. All I had to worry about was which dress I'd wear to school the next day. Yes, back in the day we actually had to dress up to go to school. But, again, I digress.

The linen, painted black is my new favorite surface to work on. When I press my brush against it—it gives and I get that warm, gooey feeling again. Just perfect. I think I'll be doing one more of these and group them. We'll see. Beautiful day here. Soon be time to rake some leaves.

1 comment:

  1. Suzanne, this is beautiful, I love how you play with the contrast of lights and shadows. Beautiful


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