Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I received the most welcome email today! And right on the heels of the Challenge Group invite!... hold me, I'm frightened. Why do we get all twitchy when good things happen?

Callie Rucker Oettinger, who works with Steven Pressfield, the author of The War of Art, noticed my reference to his book in my blog today. She then contacted me with a most generous offer!

She wrote that Mr. Pressfield will be happy to do a short 3-question Q&A with me on my blog! What an incredible opportunity! I have lots 'o questions, but thought it might be fun to open it up to followers as well, if they're interested, to pose the questions, as they relate to our creative work. I'll choose the three most interesting questions and Ms. Oettinger will forward them to Mr. Pressfield. I'll post the Q&A session on my blog so we can all benefit from his wisdom. And he will also forward 4 signed copies of his book which I will then pass on to the authors of the three questions! I'd say that is pretty neat, no?

I'm happy. The War of Art helped side step the dark place when I first began painting dailies. I carried my dog-eared copy around for weeks and was thinking, when I spewed out my fears this AM, that it might be a great time to pull it out again!

Serendipitous assistance! There are no coincidences.


  1. Woohoo!!! How cool are you! I can hardly wait to see the Q&A! Congrats Suzanne!

  2. Way cool, Suzanne!

    I have a question for Mr. Pressfield: Where did you get these ideas about Resistance? (And, do you get resistance to these ideas?! You've written a lot of pretty strong stuff. Resistance sounds a lot like the devil, himself.)

  3. Pressfield has me thinking!

    'nother question: How do you know if it's Resistance or actually something that needs to be done that's interrupting the creative process?

    For instance, family duties, a friend in real need... even the phone ringing can waylay goals for the day. So, that sometimes (or most times) means painting at night when nobody needs me.

    How to sort it all out?

  4. I just ordered the book 'The War of Art' so I can stay in the loop. It certainly is a strong title...and perhaps I am lucky (I visualize it), but 'The Joy of Art' would be a warmer/fuzzier. For a great FREE 15 pages of a book I helped create 'Mélanger aved Amour' at that shows some Joy.

    Hopefully I'll get my book and come up with a questions or 2!

  5. I never heard of this book. If you like it, it must be good, though...I will be staying in tune.


Your visits to my blog and the comments you leave here are an integral part of my creative process. They are helpful, supportive and well, let's face it, they feel really good! If I don't thank you personally, please allow me to thank you in advance for taking the time to stop by and leave your thoughts, they mean so much!