Sunday, December 28, 2008


oil on canvas

Christmas is over! Already! All that planning, decorating, gift buying, hustle and bustle and it's over in 24 short little hours. Kinda like a wedding. I'm realizing it's not that one day that counts, but the days that come before and after that one special day that really make a difference. Patience, compassion, kindness, acceptance. If one gives those gifts every day, that is exactly what one will receive in return. It's not about the stuff. Although, I do really like "the stuff," it all just blends into one big pile of "stuff" after a while doesn't it? How kind have I been? How accepting?

I got very impatient with myself again this morning and began agreeing with the voice. Hack! Nothing new posted in almost two weeks or more! Failure! Enough with the whining and negativity already! Don't you remember? This is supposed to be fulfilling, fun, joyful. I lost track of that again, as I most certainly will, again, probably quite soon. So, again, I've decided to stop the frantic fantasies that cause me to experience depression and doubt and relax. My work is coming along nicely. I'll post a new piece when I'm done and until then I'll post older work. Patience, kindness, compassion and acceptance can only start with myself.

This is Ella. She was my second commission when I began doing pet portraits four years ago. A huge beast, but also a lady.

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