Sunday, April 26, 2009


oil on linen

Depending upon your individual point of view, the bee in flight might be poised to strike or hovering to protect. Being your everyday, garden variety cosmic muffin, who chooses to believe more in what she can't see rather than what she can, the hovering bee is most certainly there to guide and protect. However, that wasn't always the case and occasionally still isn't. In the recent past I've come to understand and accept that I see and hear what I think I'm going to see and hear and whether that's bad or good is entirely up to me.

I saw a documentary
recently, following a traveling bus of comedians and the shows they performed at each stop. One night a member of the audience yelled something to the comedian on stage in response to a statement he made. He promptly retorted with defensive, angry jibes at the alleged heckler, soon becoming so angry he stomped off stage in disgust. The camera followed him backstage where he most likely expected his colleagues' sympathy and support. Instead he was met with blank stares and puzzled expressions. As he saw their reaction to what had just taken place, he felt even more abandoned and hurt. However, after a brief discussion it was determined that what the "heckler" had actually voiced was his heart-felt support for the comedian's comment. The comedian had, in the end, heard exactly what he'd expected to hear—rejection—instead of what was actually voiced—acceptance.

I guess one could also say, don't kill the bee just to keep from being stung. Or not.


  1. My sentiments exactly! Took me a long time to learn this and occasionally have to remind myself of same especially when it's me voicing the self doubts.

    I am amazed at the detail and accuracy in rendering these wonderful honey bees with all their gradient colored legs and fuzziness!

  2. oh wow!!! this is wonderful...

  3. Hi again,
    great new bug works! Love the commentaries, and compostitions of the bees and lady bugs.....I think you are onto something here! I especially dig the square formats. They are very hard to compose, but a triangle (trio)placed just right seems to help unbalance what is symetrically balanced by nature of edges. Great works, can't wait to see more! Thanks also for you comments and enthusiasm for my love of insects. I'll check in soon.

  4. Interesting composition....great subject matter and great story.

  5. Yay! The bugs are back! This painting is so beautiful. Love the Lady Bugs too. And thank you for the thought provoking story.

  6. Your commentary is similar to viewing the glass half empty or half full. I have a friend who seems to think every comment directed toward her is criticism or a challenge and I no longer try to set her straight. I have learned to pick my battles. I did not think you could get any better - but you do!!!!

  7. You are all the buzzzzzzzzz! Wonderful!

  8. Suzanne!

    Damn, this one scared me a bit. When I saw that realistic bee headed straight for me I panicked.

    More great bugs to add to an already impressive series!


  9. I know it's an old one, but I just remembered your bug series as I was looking for some insect paintings :-) I love the paintings and the blog posts with them. I've posted about a few of them on my new art gallery blog - you can see the full posts here:


Your visits to my blog and the comments you leave here are an integral part of my creative process. They are helpful, supportive and well, let's face it, they feel really good! If I don't thank you personally, please allow me to thank you in advance for taking the time to stop by and leave your thoughts, they mean so much!