Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Alas, I am still under siege. It seems I will have to bail the dailies, but for other work, not sagging confidence. When it rains I guess, and I'm really very grateful.

I had planned to do quick morning hour dailies all week and renovate my studio in the afternoons. It's a mess: half-painted, stained carpet, the dogs ate the door woodwork a few years ago. It's really beginning to have an impact on my outlook and we must keep that moving in a positive manner, now mustn't we?

But, two commissions, due very soon, along with some nice graphic design work have happily appeared, so my plans must change. I will hopefully be able to post a daily tomorrow or even get started on it this after, if design work moves along smoothly.

My daily reading of The War of Art continues to inspire me. I actually walked into the studio this morning and exclaimed, for the very first time in my rather lengthy existence—I love my job! I love my studio! And it's not even renovated yet!

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